Available Jobs

  • Interested Candidates should submit an online application at the website of Mehran university of engineering and technology, jamshoro portal seld.muet.edu.pk againts the advertised poistion upon completing the online application.
  • Candidates can download a system generated challan for Rs.3010 (Three Thousand and ten Rupees only ).
  • Payable at any HBL branch Mobile into the MUET-CMD Account A/c 00427991903403.
  • Applications should be reached within due date after the publication of advertisement in newspaper.

S.No Name of the Post BPS No of Posts Age Limit Last Date Qualifications and Experience Actions
1 Sub Engineer (Civil) BPS(11) 146 28 2025-01-31
i) BE Graduate (Civil) at least in Second Division from a University / Institute recognised by the Higher education Commission and Registered as Engineer with Pakistan Engineering Council. OR ii)Three Years Diploma of Associate Engineer (Civil) from an Institute recognised by Sindh Board of Technical Education; OR iii) B.Tech (Hons.) in Civil at least in Second Division or Equivalent from a University / Institute recognised by the Higher Education Commission
2 Sub Engineer (Electrical) BPS(11) 146 28 2025-01-31
i) BE Graduate (Electrical) at least in Second Division from a University / Institute recognised by the Higher education Commission and Registered as Engineer with Pakistan Engineering Council. OR ii)Three Years Diploma of Associate Engineer (Electrical) from an Institute recognised by Sindh Board of Technical Education; OR iii) B.Tech (Hons.) in Civil at least in Second Division or Equivalent from a University / Institute recognised by the Higher Education Commission